如果发生 校园突发ladbrokes立博官网, BSU警方将采取措施使BSU尽可能安全. 警官们已经接受过针对活跃枪手的训练, 危机谈判和其他紧急情况.
学生, 家庭, 教师 and staff are encouraged to review the emergency procedures below for what to do in specific emergency situations.
For non-emergencies, call ladbrokes立博中文版 Police at 508.531.1212.
- 去一个可以上锁的房间. 锁好门窗,关灯.
- 让所有人都躺在地上,远离火线.
- 拨打911并通知接线员该情况. 说出你的名字, location and any other details that can be provided about the shooter(s), 如果可能的话.
- Stay at your location until the police or a known university official gives the all clear.
- 确定您所在的房间是否可以上锁. 如果是,请按照上面的说明进行操作.
- 如果你的房间锁不上, move to a room that can or exit the building only if it is safe to do so.
- 如果可能的话, call 911 and alert the police to the shooter's location; if you can't speak, leave the line open so that the dispatcher can listen and try to pinpoint your location.
- If you can't escape, attempting to overpower the shooter(s) by force is a last resort.
- If the shooter(s) leaves the area, proceed immediately to a safer place, 如果可能的话. Do not touch anything that was in the vicinity of the shooter(s).
- If you decide to flee, make sure that you have an escape route or plan in mind. 不要携带任何东西. 快速而安静地移动, keep your hands visible and follow any instructions given by police officers.
- Do not attempt to remove injured people; tell the authorities of their location as soon as possible.
- 不离开校园,直到警察建议这样做.
- 的y will respond to the last area where shots were heard in order to stop the shooting as quickly as possible.
- 他们通常四人一组,配备步枪, 散弹枪, 和/或手枪, as well as possibly using tear gas or pepper spray to regain control.
- Try to remain calm and do not be afraid; follow all instructions.
- Put down any bags, packages or other objects and keep your hands visible at all times.
- If you know where the shooter is, inform the officer of their location.
- 的 first officers to arrive will not respond to or aid those who are injured. Rescue teams and emergency personnel will do so as soon as possible.
- 的 area will still be a crime scene; police usually will not let anyone leave until the area is secure and all witnesses have been identified and questioned. 待在叫你待的地方,直到警察解散你
- 保持冷静.
- Get as much information as possible from the caller (if by phone); pretend to have difficulty hearing.
- 炸弹在哪里??
- 什么时候会爆炸?
- 这是什么类型的炸弹?
- 保持线路畅通. 不要挂断电话.
- 用另一条线拨打911.
- 遵循急救人员的指示.
- 如果威胁是针对你所在的位置,请撤离:
- 遵循当局提供的指示.
- 通知其他人撤离.
- 只带你的手机和必需品.
- 帮助需要帮助的人.
- 通知警方失踪或受伤.
If you witness an armed individual on campus at any time or an individual who is acting in a hostile or belligerent manner, 立即拨打911.
- An individual who makes threats of physical harm to you, others, or themselves.
- 拥有武器的人.
- An individual who behaves in a bizarre manner or exhibits unstable behavior.
- An individual who is intoxicated or under the influence of a controlled substance.
- 拨打911.
- 说出你的名字 and location with a brief explanation of the situation to the operator.
- 注意这个人的年龄, 个人形象, 车辆, 以及其他有助于识别他们的信息.
- 保持冷静.
- 坐直或站直. 不要无精打采.
- 微笑并进行眼神交流.
- 用自信、正常的语气清晰地说话.
- 不要摸你的脸. (这可能被视为一种侵略的迹象.)
- Do not touch the individual, sigh or glare at them, or invade their personal space.
- 如果知道他们的名字,请他们坐下.
- 复述他们说的话,这样他们就知道你在听.
- Offer assistance and explain how you can help, using “we” to include them in the solution process.
- 如果可能的话,告诉其他人潜在的问题.
- 启动最近的火警.
- 拨打911.
- Notify occupants and help those in the immediate area who may need assistance.
- If the fire is small and you have the training, use a proper fire extinguisher to combat the fire.
- Do not endanger yourself or others by trying to extinguish a large, well-developed fire.
- 从最近的出口撤离.
- Confine the fire by closing, but not locking, as many doors as possible behind you as you exit.
- Do not re-enter the building until permitted to do so by emergency personnel.
- If you are above the ground floor and fire or smoke has restricted the exit routes: remain in the room; place something at the base of the door to prevent the entrance of smoke; call 911 and let them know your location.
- 当火灾警报被激活时,疏散是强制性的.
- 不要使用电梯.
- 随身携带私人物品,如钥匙、钱包和钱包.
- 离开时关门.
- 把人们转移到远离大楼的安全区域.
If you are notified of imminent or actual flooding and it is safe to do so:
- 等待BSUPD的指示.
- 确保重要设备、记录和危险材料的安全.
- 关闭不必要的电气设备.
- 搬到安全的地方去.
- Do not return to the building until instructed to do so by BSUPD.
- 千万不要在低水位的十字路口开车.
- 致电有关设施,要求协助清理洪水.
- 如果您需要紧急避难所,请联系BSUPD获取信息.
- 停止所有操作.
- 不拉火警警报.
- 不要触摸电灯开关或电气设备.
- 拨打911.
- Clear the area immediately if instructed to do so by the emergency dispatcher.
- Provide your location and the location of the odor to the dispatcher.
- Provide as many additional details as possible to the dispatcher
- 遵循当局提供的指示.
- 通知其他人撤离.
- 只带你的手机和必需品.
- 帮助需要帮助的人.
- 通知警方失踪或受伤.
- If the incident is indoors, close all doors in order to isolate the area if it is safe to do so.
- 从安全区域拨打911. 如果可能的话,准备好提供以下信息:
- 材料名称
- 材料数量
- ladbrokes立博官网发生时间
- 事故发生地点
- 如果有人受伤或接触到该材料
- 如果涉及火灾或爆炸物
- 您的姓名、电话号码和位置
- 遵循紧急救援人员提供的指示.
- 如有需要,请撤离该地区:
- 遵循当局提供的指示
- 通知其他人撤离
- 只带你的手机和必需品
- 帮助需要帮助的人
- 通知警方失踪或受伤
- If the injury or illness is severe or life-threatening, call 911.
- 避免离开受伤或生病的人,除非寻求帮助.
- 按照911调度员的指示操作.
- 除非有危险,否则不要移动这个人.
- 如果受过训练,进行急救或心肺复苏术.
- 如果你接触到别人的体液, 当医务人员或警察到达时通知他们.
- 移动到结构内部.
- 远离窗户.
- 如果可能的话,躲在较小的房间里.
- 靠墙坐或跪.
- 除非接到指示,否则不要离开避难所.
- 拨打911或启动紧急呼叫箱.
- 如果可能的话, leave the area/get out of harm’s way, or secure in place and lock the door.
- 如果无法离开, stay at a safe distance and try to get the attention of a fellow student/co-worker.
- 如有需要,请就医.
- 立即拨打911.
- 不要使用手机 或包裹周围100英尺内的其他电子设备.
- 不要处理 可疑或弃置包裹.
- 按照公共安全人员的指示进行.
- 非紧急请求请拨打508.531.1212.
- 保持冷静,听从警察的指示.
- 保持双手随时可见.
- 避免指指点点、尖叫或大喊大叫.
- Avoid making quick movements towards officers such as attempting to hold onto them for safety.
- 不 stop to ask officers for directions when evacuating; proceed in the direction from which the officers are entering the premises.